How to address Blood Sugar Premenstrual Symptoms

Blood Sugar Premenstrual Symptoms
Now, let’s consider the question of whether blood PMS/PMDD causes blood sugar disorders, or if blood sugar disorders cause PMS/PMDD.
While insulin resistance and blood sugar disorders are thought to be related to the menstrual cycle the research has been conflicting. [1] A couple of studies found no difference in insulin sensitivity throughout the different parts of the monthly cycle in a number of women who had significant PMS symptoms. [2, 3]
Another study concluded that there were no significant changes in glucose tests in women experiencing PMS, even though they noticed that high insulin levels typically occurred 2 hours after a glucose challenge on day five (day one is the first day of bleeding). [4]
However, there appears to be some observations that women with suspected, or known blood sugar disorders may actually have blood sugar disorders throughout their entire monthly cycle, and may be more sensitive to these changes in during the menses. [3, 5]
Therefore, very similar to thyroid problems, what we are dealing with is the fact that women who have blood sugar problems have increased intensity of premenstrual symptoms and “feels worse” during the premenstrual stage of the cycle because of their underlying blood sugar problems. This means that as well as addressing the premenstrual symptoms, the blood sugar concerns must also be addressed.
Fortunately, over half of the herbs in ProgestoMend™ can also help with blood sugar disorders. Peonia lactiflora, Rehmannia glutinosa, Passiflora incarnata, Coleus forskohlii and Vitex agnus-castus, have all been documented to help normalize blood sugar.
So, if you have premenstrual symptoms, and suspect you also have blood sugar disorders, it is a good idea to start with ProgestoMend™ while also addressing other ways of normalizing blood sugar levels. Since severe blood sugar disorders, such as diabetes or severe hypoglycemia are significant disorders, be sure to work with your healthcare professional concerning blood sugar disorders.
At this point we have seen that premenstrual symptoms can involve progesterone problems, high or low testosterone or low estrogen function, or low thyroid function or blood sugar disorders. The next article will focus on the big picture of premenstrual symptoms.

[1] Trout KK, Teff KL. Insulin sensitivity and premenstrual syndrome. Curr Diab Rep. 2004 Aug;4(4):273-80. Review. PMID: 15265470
[2] Trout KK, Basel-Brown L, Rickels MR, Schutta MH, Petrova M, Freeman EW, Tkacs, NC, Teff KL. Insulin sensitivity, food intake, and cravings with premenstrual syndrome: a pilot study. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2008 May;17(4):657-65. PMID: 18447765.
[3] Reid RL, Greenaway-Coates A, Hahn PM. Oral glucose tolerance during the menstrual cycle in normal women and women with alleged premenstrual "hypoglycemic" attacks: effects of naloxone. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1986 Jun;62(6):1167-72. PMID: 3517030 [
[4] Spellacy WN, Ellingson AB, Keith G, Khan-Dawood FS, Tsibris JC. Plasma glucose and insulin levels during the menstrual cycles of normal women and premenstrual syndrome patients. J Reprod Med. 1990 May;35(5):508-11. PMID: 2191132
[5] Nemets B, Talesnick B, Belmaker RH, Levine J. Myo-inositol has no beneficial effect on premenstrual dysphoric disorder. World J Biol Psychiatry. 2002 Jul;3(3):147-9.