Memory Problems During Menopause
Decreased memory, forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating and other signs of decreased neuro-cognitive function in menopause because of hormonal changes is most often due to low estrogen levels and decreased function of estrogen. Memory problems specific to low estrogen include trouble remembering names or people, or names of objects. Another classic memory problem specific to low estrogen is trouble thinking of the right word when speaking or writing. Both of these memory function (remembering names and remembering words) have to do with associative memory, such as associating a name or word with a person or thing.
Since low estrogen is the most common cause of decreased memory, forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating in women of menopause age, consider EstroMend™, especially if there are also other symptoms low estrogen.
Another common cause of decreased memory, forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating in women of menopause age is low testosterone levels or low testosterone function. Memory problems specific to low testosterone include having more trouble with mental skills requiring linear logic and problem solving, having trouble focusing and maintaining your attention, memory weakening, trouble remembering things and events, and sequence of events. These memory functions (linear logic, maintaining attention) have to do with historical memory, such as series of events and focusing on an event.
Since low testosterone is a common cause of decreased memory, forgetfulness, and cognitive function in women of menopause age, consider TestoGain™ if there are also other symptoms low testosterone.
While decreased estrogen and testosterone are a common cause of impaired memory in perimenopause, menopause & postmenopause, other hormonal causes should also be considered. Decreased progesterone function may precipitate anxiety due to a lack of “neuro-sedative” inhibitory actions, resulted in poor consolidation and recall of information. Proper function of the nervous system (including memory) requires both excitatory and inhibitory actions. Consider ProgestoMend™ if you have other symptoms of low progesterone.
Thyroid function plays a generalized role in memory function. Mental processes, including memory, are significantly decreased with hypothyroid conditions, such as subclinical hypothyroidism. Consider ThyroMend™ if you have other symptoms of low thyroid function or if you have hypothyroid disease. You may consider ThyroMend™ even if thyroid replacement therapy is being taken because thyroid function is a complex process. Use the Hypothyroid Risk Questionnaire to determine risk of hypothyroidism.
Since it is possible to have more than one hormone imbalance, more than one of the Hormone Specific™ Formulations may be appropriate. Look at the symptoms associated with each major hormone imbalance to help you determine the most likely cause of these symptoms.
Consider EstroMend™ if you have other symptoms associated with low estrogen, which may include hot flashes; night sweats; feeling more depressed; more withdrawn or isolated; feel periods of hopelessness; feel apathetic; feel a loss of energy; feel more fatigued; feel less receptive to sex; feel less sensual; feel that your sex drive is diminished; increased vaginal pain, dryness or itching; insomnia, difficulty falling to sleep or difficulty staying asleep; trouble with your memory; having trouble remembering names; more forgetful; mood is low, less upbeat, less positive or less outgoing; less “good moods’ and times of joy; caring less about things that used to matter to you; trouble controlling your urine; have to urinate more often; spill urine when you cough or sneeze; your perception is weakening, it takes you longer to notice things; trouble thinking of the right word when speaking or writing; your mental skills are diminishing.
Consider TestoGain™ if you have other symptoms of low testosterone, which may include decreased libido; less sexual fantasies or less sexual desire; less likely to become sexually aroused; less pleased with sex; feeling more irritable; feeling less composed and in control; feeling less motivated in general; less assertive; less energetic; becoming anemic, or think you are anemic; low blood pressure; less muscle strength; you feel weaker; having more trouble with mental skills requiring logic and problem solving; having trouble focusing and maintaining your attention; memory weakening; trouble remembering things and events; feel more depressed; mood is low; less confident; feeling frightened or afraid.
Consider ProgestoMend™ if you have other symptoms of low progesterone, which may include more aches and pain; starting to get arthritis; non-menstrual spotting or break-through bleeding; Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding; more inflammations and swellings; new allergies or asthma; allergies or asthma getting w; twitches and spasms; mental fogginess; trouble thinking clearly; more mood swings; more fatigued; tired in the morning; more irritable; more nervous tension; more anxiety; feel more anxious.
Consider ThyroMend™ if you have other symptoms of low thyroid function, which may include fatigue or tired; exhausted; difficulty doing everyday activities; everything takes longer to do; low body temperature; weight gain; cannot lose weight with diet & exercise; difficulty remembering; difficulty concentrating; ; slow or unclear thinking; difficulty learning something new; feeling depressed; feeling discouraged; moody & irritable; decreased motivation; low sex drive; decreased sexual activity ; changes in sleep; outer eyebrow thinning; hair is coarse and dry; skin is coarse, dry or scaly; itchy skin; sensitive to cold, cold intolerance; cold hands & feet; decreased sweating; slow pulse; low blood pressure; dizziness or poor balance; feel lightheaded; less than 1 BM daily; constipation, straining ; fluid retention; puffy hands; puffy feet ; puffy face; bags under eyes; pasty, puffy or pale skin; yellow palms & soles; enlarged tongue; teeth imprints on tongue; thinning eyelashes; recurring infections; nasal congestion; hand & feet numbness; change in voice; joint stiffness & pain; muscle aches; muscle weakness; hearing problems; recurrent headaches.
Other Considerations
Even though decreased memory, forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating and other signs of decreased neuro-cognitive function in menopause may simply be due to changes in hormones that can be addressed with one or more of the Hormone Specific™ Formulations, it is important to discuss these symptoms with a healthcare professional to make sure that there is not a more serious medical condition that needs to be addressed.
If there are other symptoms that may be due to menopause changes, consider using the Menopause Type® Questionnaire to do a more comprehensive analysis of which hormone problems may be involved.